The public will be notified via our website, Flocknote, Facebook and Instagram pages, and Father Harris' voicemail (410-922-3800, ext. 6).
Holy Mass will be celebrated on The Lord’s Day. People must exercise extreme caution as they drive and walk on campus. However, in extreme conditions (e.g. blizzard), Father Harris will cancel public Holy Mass on The Lord’s Day.
HFC follows Baltimore County Public Schools.
-- Closed: All activities are canceled, including Holy Mass. Parish Office is closed.
-- Virtual Learning Day: All activities are canceled, including Holy Mass. Parish Office is closed.
-- Delayed opening: Rosary & Holy Mass are canceled. Parish Office has a delayed opening.
-- Early Closure: All remaining activites on campus are canceled. Parish Office will close.
Cancelations apply to activities on campus, which are usually Holy Mass and Parish Office hours.