Our parish supports those who are being called by God to serve the Church and the world as priests, deacons, and consecrated religious women and men.
For questions, please contact
Father Raymond Harris
410.922.3800, ext. 6
Archdiocese of Baltimore - Vocations Office
Events for men & women.
Archdiocese of Baltimore - Becoming a Deacon
Archdiocese of Baltimore - Consecrated Life
Includes list of orders ministering in the Archdiocese
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Holy Orders
Catechism of the Catholic Church - Consecrated Life
See #914 and following at this link
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Vocations
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Holy Orders
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Consecrated Religious Life
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops - Discernment
National Religious Vocations Conference
These links are provided solely for the user’s convenience. Holy Family Catholic Church assumes no responsibility for these websites, their content, or their sponsoring organizations.