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During the pandemic, some ministries and organizations are serving in a limited way.

Collaborative Councils

Liturgical Ministries

Faith Formation

Youth Ministry

Young Adult Ministry

Social Justice



Anchor 1


PASTORAL COUNCIL: The Pastoral Council helps our Pastor to evaluate and plan how we are fulfilling our parish mission. Meetings are announced in the Sunday Bulletin. Observers are welcome. Members are usually elected.

FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee advises the Pastor in developing an annual budget, monitoring the budget, and ensuring that the parish has appropriate internal control and accounting practices in accord with Archdiocese of Baltimore policies. Members are appointed by the Pastor.

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Anchor 2


ADULT CHOIR: The choir serves during Holy Mass at 11 AM once a month currently, except for August. Members are age 18 and over. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings.


Contact our Parish Office

410.922.3800, ext. 4

We will forward your message to the Music Director.. 

ALTAR SERVERS: Altar Servers assist the Priest and congregation during Holy Mass (processions; help the Priest as he offers prayers, blessings, and prepares the Altar and gifts; ring the bells during the consecration; and provide a reverent example). Father Harris invites rising 4th and 5th graders, middle school students, and high school students. Altar Servers are usually assigned with their peers and/or with siblings. Candidates regularly attend Sunday Holy Mass as part of their growth as Christ an disciples. They have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and Eucharist.


Contact Father Harris

410.922.3800, ext. 6

COMMUNION MINISTERS: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Ordinary Ministers (clergy) in the distribution of Holy Communion during Holy Mass. It is open to parishioners over the age of 18. Candidates regularly attend Sunday Holy Mass as part of their growth as Christ an disciples. They have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation. If they are married, then their marriage is recognized by the Catholic Church. Communion Ministers believe Catholic teaching about the Eucharist and follow Church guidelines in administering this Sacrament.


Contact Father Harris

410.922.3800, ext. 6

LECTORS: Lectors proclaim the Scripture lessons and announce the Universal Prayer intentions during Holy Mass. It is open to parishioners in the Ninth Grade and older. Candidates regularly attend Sunday Holy Mass as part of their growth as Christ an disciples. They have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation. If they are married, then their marriage is recognized by the Catholic Church.


Contact Father Harris

410.922.3800, ext. 6

USHERS: Ushers greet people as they come to worship, help people to find seats, receive the offering, guide the Communion procession and other processions, and distribute the Sunday Bulletin at the end of Holy Mass. It is open to men and women over the age of 18.


Contact our Parish Office

410.922.3800, ext. 4

We will forward your message to the Head Usher. 

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Anchor 3


BIBLE STUDY: We have morning and evening sessions for adults and a Sunday youth session. Click the links in the previous sentence to learn more.

SCHOOL OF RELIGION VOLUNTEERS: We are always looking for adults and fully initiated teens to assist in our children’s faith forma on as aides, catechists (teachers), and substitutes. If you have a love of God, a desire to be formed, and a desire to share your faith, then you are the perfect disciple for this ministry! All teaching materials and resources are provided. You must participate in the Shield the Vulnerable child protection training program, which takes about one hour. Interested in serving or have questions?

Contact Cynthia C. Norris


410.922.3800, ext. 5

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Anchor 4


Our Director of Faith Formation, has developed a Youth Ministry for ages 13-17. We have had several events. If you would like to join her team to serve our young disciples and/or have your family on the contact list to be notified about future events, then contact her.  News about activities can be found in the Sunday Bulletin and the Events section of this website.

In the summer of 2023, HFC is searching for a new Director of Faith Formation. In the interim, 

Contact Father Harris

410.922.3800, ext. 6

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Anchor 5


YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP: For ages 18 to 39, gatherings meet on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month in the Parish Hall. No need to RSVP. Encouraging one another, learning about applying faith to daily life, engaging in service, and enjoying socializing. News about activities can be found in the Sunday Bulletin and the Events section of this website.

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Anchor 6



RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: Organizes events during Respect Life Month (October) and throughout the year.


SAINT VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY (SVDP): The SVDP Holy Family Conference coordinates our parish efforts to serve the poor (e.g., assistance with rent; food packages for families for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter; Advent Giving Tree; Beans and Bread Soup Kitchen casseroles) They usually meet once a month at 7:00 pm in the SVDP office near the Parish Hall (September – May). New members are always welcome.

SVDP - STOCKING OUR FOOD PANTRY: Our Saint Vincent de Paul Society helps hungry people throughout the year. Please bring non-perishable canned, bagged, or boxed items to the narthex. Please note that SVDP cannot distribute out-of-date items. The list of current needs is here.


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Anchor 7


FAITH IN ACTION COMMITTEE: Formerly known as the Service Committee, it  organizes fellowship events, such as: Welcome Sunday after Holy Mass at 10:30 am (First Sunday of month from September - June); Breakfast with Santa (December); Pancake Breakfast (Sunday before Ash Wednesdays); Fish Fry (Lenten Fridays); and the Crab Feast (July). The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall.

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Anchor 8

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - ST. CHARLES BORROMEO COUNCIL: This Catholic fraternal organization helps men to grow in their faith, strengthen their parish, give back to our community, and have exclusive access to a top-rated insurance program. See the Council's website:

SODALITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary engages in charitable works and participate in many parish activities. Any woman is welcome to join. They meet on the third Sunday of the month at 10:15 am in the church Multipurpose Room.

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Links are provided solely for the user’s convenience. Holy Family Catholic Church assumes no responsibility for these websites, their content, or their sponsoring organizations.

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Holy Family Roman Catholic Congregation, Inc.

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